Analysis of Movement Education Program Reflected on the new Physical Education Textbooks for Elementary School 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 새 체육교과서(體育敎科書)에 반영(反映)된 움직임교육(敎育) 프로그램 분석연구(分析硏究)
21(1) 5-16, 1982
Analysis of Movement Education Program Reflected on the new Physical Education Textbooks for Elementary School 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 새 체육교과서(體育敎科書)에 반영(反映)된 움직임교육(敎育) 프로그램 분석연구(分析硏究)
The objectives of this study are threefold:
(1)to review the concepts of movement education
(2)to design the movement education curriculum
(3)to analyze the program reflected on the new P.E. Textbooks for elementary school.
The study was initially processed by analyzing the collected reference materials on movement education. Next procedure was analysing the elementary school movement education program applied to the new textbooks based on the concepts of the movement education.
The findings of the study were depicted as follows:
1. Movement Education Curriculum was designed according to objectives, contents, teaching methods and evaluation based on traditional curriculum model.
2. Movement education program was analysed reflected on the new physical education textbooks for elementary school in the viewpoint of comprehensiveness, sequence and feasibility.
3. Movement education program was included in 3rd through 6th grade level of elementary school.
4. Locomotor activities were highly emphasized in 1st and 2nd grades, while the activities not emphasized in 5th and 6th grades. Overall programs were comparatively balanced in 3rd and 4th grades.
5. A follow-up study is needed to implement the movement education program in elementary school. Also, in-service training and clinic for the program should be planned for school teachers.
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A survey on the Family Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 가정체육실태(家庭體育實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 대도시가정(大都市家庭)을 중심(中心)으로 -
21(1) 17-31, 1982
A survey on the Family Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 가정체육실태(家庭體育實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 대도시가정(大都市家庭)을 중심(中心)으로 -
This study aims to research for the actual conditions of the family sports and those of the sports equipments in home.
For this, the questionaires were distributed of 753 households in Seoul. The results of this study are as follows;
1. The actual conditions of the family sports
(1) The head of the urban families recognize that family sports are necessary for talc health and the sound mind of the family.
(2) The places where the family sports are done are chiefly unoccupied ones and their own gardens.
(3) The sports they enjoy with their family are chiefly Badminton, Rope-skipping and Jogging.
(4) The sports club that the urban usually utilize for shorts activities are chiefly Tennis and Soccer club.
(5) Playing the sports activities, they have difficulties that they can`t have spare time to meet together and they don`t have suitable play ground and the sports equipments.
(6) The family sports are done once or twice in a week.
(7) They would like to enjoy Mountain Climbing and Tennis with their family.
2. The actual conditions of sports equipments in home.
The sports equipments that possess more than 15% in home are twenty-six items.
These are as follows;
1) Rope-skipping (81%) 2) The ball of Baseball (62%)
3) Badminton racquet (59%) 4) Succor ball (48%)
5) The glove of Baseball (45%) 6) Tennis ball (39%)
7) Table Tennis ball (38%) 8) Dumb-bell (36%)
9) The equipment of Mountain Climbing(36%) 10) Tennis racquet (33%)
11) Baseball bat (33%) 12) Table Tennis racquet (29%)
13) The ball of Volley-ball (28%) 14) Running shose (27%)
15) The clothes of Teakwondo (27%) 16) Fishing equipment (26%)
17) Soccer shose (24%) 18) Speed skate (22%)
19) Boxing gloves (22%) 20) The ball of Golf (17%)
21) Figure Skate (16%) 22) The ball of Basket-ball (16%)
23) Stronger (16%) 24) Badminton shuttle-cock (16%)
25) The ball of Soft Tennis (15%) 26) Indian Club (15%)
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Aristoteles view on the human body 인문 · 사회과학편 : 아리스토텔레스 ( Aristoteles ) 의 신체관(身體觀) 연구(硏究)
21(1) 32-38, 1982
Aristoteles view on the human body 인문 · 사회과학편 : 아리스토텔레스 ( Aristoteles ) 의 신체관(身體觀) 연구(硏究)
The subject deals with Aristoteles view on the human body and its application to practice. Aristoteles suggest that he adopted Gymnastike, Mousike, Grammatike and Graphike as the basic subject for the general education on the Politico. It mean Gymnastike was thought of a fundamental element in forming human personality like Plato`s view.
Aristoteles view on the human body based on the Monistic position of soul and body and considered that the excellency of body is a basic requirement to attain happiness (eduaimonia). He insisted that in education practice must be used before the theory and the body be trained before the mind.
In his opinion a boy should he trained at home during infancy from five until seven a lad has to visit Gymnasion and become acquainted with their activities, from seven to fourteen the schools were to be concerned primarily with developing moral character through Instruction in light of gymnastic exercise and later a little literary instruction.
But he was critical of the brutualizing effect the Spartan gymnastics had upon the character of youth and warned against excessively regorous early training. Also he recommeded eugenic mating, the dustruction of deformed infants and population control through abortion. He insisted that the education of boys "be one and the same for all", but he did not education of women.
In the light of his theory of Gymnatike, his approach was mainly from the poit of Monistic realism, but he lacked in knowledge of physiology, human anatomy as well as eugenic method.
However he favoured gymnastics as way of developing, strong, healthy, well-proportioned youth who would be to do all the vertious men must to in peace and war. also he set up the systematic practical theory of physical education.
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A Study on Health Education from Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Aspects for Women College Students Majoring Physical Education in Seoul and other Areas 인문 · 사회과학편 : 일부 체육대학(體育大學) 여학생(女學生)들의 건강(健康)에 대(對)한 지식(知識) , 태도(態度) 및 행위(行爲)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 서울과 지방을 중심으로 -
朴鍾晟JongSungPark , 朴潤彬YunBinPark
21(1) 39-51, 1982
A Study on Health Education from Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Aspects for Women College Students Majoring Physical Education in Seoul and other Areas 인문 · 사회과학편 : 일부 체육대학(體育大學) 여학생(女學生)들의 건강(健康)에 대(對)한 지식(知識) , 태도(態度) 및 행위(行爲)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 서울과 지방을 중심으로 -
朴鍾晟JongSungPark , 朴潤彬YunBinPark
Aiming to find out health education level of women college students majoring physical education in Seoul and other areas from knowledge, attitude and behavion aspects, the questionnaire survey was carried out for 204 students of 5 universities in Seoul and 160 students of seven other areas respectively.
Questionnaire contents covered smoking, drinking alcohol. irradiation by X-ray, cause of cancer, fatigue and necessity of physical examination.
The result of the survey showed as follows:
1. 72.8% of total students responded with proper health knowledge without any regional differences.
2. 55% of total students responded with right health attitude with significant between Seoul and other areas. Seoul area students revealed more proper attitude than other areas.
3. 60.1% of total students responded with right behavior without regional differences.
4. Inter-relation between knowledge, attitude and behavior showed significantly between knowledge and attitude in smoking and fatigue and between attitude and behavior in drinking. However, inter-relation was not found between cancer and physical examination.
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The Analytical Study on Operating Situations of Basketball Game 인문 · 사회과학편 : 농구경기(籠球競技)의 운영실태(運營實態)에 대한 분석연구(分析硏究) (제8회 세계여자농구 선수권 대회를 중심으로)
21(1) 52-62, 1982
The Analytical Study on Operating Situations of Basketball Game 인문 · 사회과학편 : 농구경기(籠球競技)의 운영실태(運營實態)에 대한 분석연구(分析硏究) (제8회 세계여자농구 선수권 대회를 중심으로)
This study was to analyze the structural functions of Basketball game; Field goals, Free Throws, Rebounds-offensive, Rebounds defensive, Total score, Other recoveries, Blocks, Assists, Interceptions, Lost Balls, Violations, with two free throws, without any free throw and then.
Being scheduled to get the theoretical standards for the most effective operating of games, we can, therefore, get the conclusions as the follwings:
1. In the weak team F.G shows high ralations.(r=0.775)
2. In the strong team S.T shows exact relations from B.R.O.X.A, and INT (r=0.4 over)
3. In the strong team R.O shows exact relations with T.S and R.O (r=0.4 over)
4. In the strong team K shows exact relations with T.S and B (r=0.4 over)
5. In the strong team A shows exact relations with T.S INT, and B (r=0.4 over)
6. In the strong team int shows exact relations T.S, and A.B, in Total shows exact relations with T.S and A. (r=0.4 over)
7. In the strong team B shows exact relations with T,S, R.O, X,A, and INT (r=0.4 over)
8. In the weak team L.B shows exact relations with V.W, and W/O (r=0.4 over)
9. In the strong team V. shows exact relations with X. (r=0.4 over)
10. In the weak team W shows exact relations with L.B. (r=0.4 over)
11. In the weak team W/O shows exact relations with F.G, and L.B.(r=0.4 over)
12. By the results of C.R inspection and proof of two teams, winner and loser, F.G, T.S, R.O, A, INT and B. shows the meaning of p>0.001 form.
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Overall game Analysis among top Tennis players 인문 · 사회과학편 : 우수(優秀) Tennis 선수(選手)들의 경기내용(競技內容) 분석(分析) (Ⅱ) - 국내(國內) 대표급선수(代表及選手) 대(對) 외국(外國)프로선수(選手)의 경기내용(競技內容)을 중심(中心)으로 -
李東玉LeeDong-ok , 劉仁鏡YooIn-Kyung
21(1) 63-77, 1982
Overall game Analysis among top Tennis players 인문 · 사회과학편 : 우수(優秀) Tennis 선수(選手)들의 경기내용(競技內容) 분석(分析) (Ⅱ) - 국내(國內) 대표급선수(代表及選手) 대(對) 외국(外國)프로선수(選手)의 경기내용(競技內容)을 중심(中心)으로 -
李東玉LeeDong-ok , 劉仁鏡YooIn-Kyung
This research was prompted by the need of abstracting scientific datas out of the contents, of which the members of Korean National Representative Tennis players had a friendly game with the world famous pro-ffessional players who participated in the 1st Haitai International Pro Tennis match, with a view to analyzing as an important factor the various types of the techniques contributing to the success and/or failure in the game.
From the research were drawn the following conclusions;
1. Comparison of offensive points; Korean National Representative Tennis players: 26.59%, Pro tennis players: 42.4%.
2. The lack of skill in every type of techniques with the Korean National Representative Tennis players was in the order of Service Receive, Volley, Groud stroke, Approach shot, Passing shot, Drop shot, and Smashing.
3. The scoring rate with the Pro Tennis player was in the order of Service & Receive, Volley, Smashing, Passing shot, Approach shot, with the Korean National Representative Tennis players was in the order of Service & Receive, Volley, Passing shot, Smashing.
4. The ratio of victories in service game and receive game with the Pro players was higher than Pro players, but the Korean National Representative Tennis player`s service power was very weak.
5. The ratio of victories in service game and receive game with the Pro players was thrice as high as Korean National Representative players.
6. The rates of successful first service with the Korean National Representative players was higher than Pro players, but Korean National Representative player`s service power was very weak.
7. The average number of the games of the one set was 8.0, and the average points of the one game was 6.61.
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A study on the Evaluations's state on the type's in physical Education's Aim 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「체육과(體育科) 목표령역별(目標領域別) 학습평가실태(學習平價實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 」 - 중학교체육교사(中學校體育敎師)를 중심(中心)으로 -
鄭瑜世JungYoo-Sai , 宋明煥SongMyung-Hwan
21(1) 78-89, 1982
A study on the Evaluations's state on the type's in physical Education's Aim 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「체육과(體育科) 목표령역별(目標領域別) 학습평가실태(學習平價實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 」 - 중학교체육교사(中學校體育敎師)를 중심(中心)으로 -
鄭瑜世JungYoo-Sai , 宋明煥SongMyung-Hwan
All 314 physical educator teaching in the middle school in the city of Seoul Pusan Taegu and Incheon were examined through writer questionnaire for the purpose of analyzing and studying the result of evaluation by means of the pattern of object in physical education and the acquired result are as follows;
1. Annual evaluation distribution ratio according to object is 2 : 6 : 2 in the order of appreciation, function, attitude but the rate is not standardized.
2. Evaluation in the area of appreciation is more than two time is a year. It is desirable that in the area of appreciation many physical educators evaluation more than two time a year and its contents is inclusive.
3. As the evaluation in the area of functionis that of physical activities there are series of botllenecks for want of apparent guicline of evaluation in spite of presenting the standard for the objective and rational evaluation. There for it is expected that the apprent guideline will be established in that of the superior office or a curriculum.
4. The evaluation in the of attitude is unexpectedly done in the ration way and its factor is largely on the positiveness in the personal chacteristics, not the social attitude.
5. The case that the basical score in the total evaluation is 40to is greatly accepted. It should be improved that there is still interference of others in the evaluation.
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Case - study on Endurance Fitness of the Marathon Winner 자연과학편 : 마라톤 우승자의 지구성(持久性) 적성(適性)에 관(關)한 사례연구(事例硏究) - 1981 조선일보사(朝鮮日報社) 주최(主催) 마라톤대회 -
21(1) 93-99, 1982
Case - study on Endurance Fitness of the Marathon Winner 자연과학편 : 마라톤 우승자의 지구성(持久性) 적성(適性)에 관(關)한 사례연구(事例硏究) - 1981 조선일보사(朝鮮日報社) 주최(主催) 마라톤대회 -
This case-study was to investigate the problems of Korean-marathoners. K-racer, winner in 1981 Jo-Seon-Il-Bo marathon event, was used a subject. K-racer’s personal Characteristics and physiological fitness were analyzed, and compared with those of top-ranked marathoners in the world.
The recomendations for K-racer could be given as follow:
1. Personal Characteristics
1) Body weight of the subject mast be decreased.
2) Age of the subject can be a little more prolonged.
2. Physiological Fitness
1) Maximal O₂uptake had little differences between the subject and top-ranked marathorners in the world.
2) O₂ uptake in race of the subject must be increased.
3) % Fat of the subject will be useful to control a optimal level.
4) Hb concentration of the subject must be controlled.
5) Intake of water at the pre and during race is necessitated.
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Statistical study on Correlation between the Physique and the Center of gravity in the Human Body 자연과학편 : 체격(體格)과 인체중심고(人體重心高)와의 상관관계(相關關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
박수일ParkSue-Il , 유덕시YooDuck-See
21(1) 100-103, 1982
Statistical study on Correlation between the Physique and the Center of gravity in the Human Body 자연과학편 : 체격(體格)과 인체중심고(人體重心高)와의 상관관계(相關關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
박수일ParkSue-Il , 유덕시YooDuck-See
To analyze the correlation between the factors of physique and the center of gravity in the human body, 200 Korean students were measured their height, weight, chest girth, biceps girth, thigh girth, sitting height and the height of center of gravity by Reynolds and Lovetts measurement method. Here H.C.G is the percentage of their height.
Regression equations were derived for the prediction of center of gravity location from the anthropometric measures. The results of this study were as follows;
1. Multiregression equations was derived as
A) H.C.G (%)=55.22+0.074H-0.115W-0.106S.H+0.071B.G-0.015T.G+0.071C.G.
B) H.C.G (%)=56.067+0.08H-0.097W-0.108S.H+0.131B.G-0.012T.G
2. The center of gravity in the human body was showed ralatively low correlation with the chest girth than others.
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A Study on Muscle Strength and Physical Abilities of Women's University Student 자연과학편 : 여대생(女大生)의 근력(筋力)과 운동능력(運動能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
21(1) 104-109, 1982
A Study on Muscle Strength and Physical Abilities of Women's University Student 자연과학편 : 여대생(女大生)의 근력(筋力)과 운동능력(運動能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between muscle strength and physical abilities.
A total of one hundred freshman girls, the S Women`s University School in Seoul were involved in this study.
The following is a conclusion for the correlation between muscle strength and physical abilities gains through a result of evaluating the physical performances by means of non-experimental measurement.
① Correlations between muscle strength and physical abilities were ranged from 0.47∼0.66 and specially soft ball throwing between push up correlation were high.
② Over 5% level of significance was shown all physical abilities items between all muscle strength items.
③ To improve physical abilities emphasis should be made on development of muscle strength.
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Effect of Pulling and Breaking Strengths Exertion in Change of Knee - joint Angles 자연과학편 : 슬관절각도의 (膝關節角度) 변화(變化)가 각굴근력 (脚屈筋力) 및 각신근력의 (脚伸筋力) 발현(發現)에 미치는 영향(影響)
21(1) 110-119, 1982
Effect of Pulling and Breaking Strengths Exertion in Change of Knee - joint Angles 자연과학편 : 슬관절각도의 (膝關節角度) 변화(變化)가 각굴근력 (脚屈筋力) 및 각신근력의 (脚伸筋力) 발현(發現)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The present research aims at analyzing the influences which the various angles of the knee-joints have on the exertion of the leg pulling and breaking strengths. The subjects. The subjects were physically healthy 16 males and 16 females. For this purpose the muscle strength measuring instrument have been used to analyze the angles of the maximum leg pulling and breaking strengths, the order of the two strengths at various angles, and the difference between the right and left legs in the two strengths at various angles.
The resulted obtained were as follows:
1. The leg isometric pulling strength was recorded hightest at 120˚ both in male and in female.
2. The leg isometric breaking strength was in both sexes recorded hightest at the angle at 120 degrees.
3. The pulling strength in terms of the size of the Knee-joint angle was of the order 120˚, 90˚, 60˚ both in male and in female.
4. The breaking strength in terms of the size of the knee-joint angle, in both sexes, was of the order of 120˚, 90˚, 60˚.
5. Each of the pulling and the breaking strengths of the right and left legs, in both sexes, had no significant difference in all the angle involved.
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A study on the Change of Heart Rate immediately After Aerobic Dancing 자연과학편 : Aerobic Dancing 후(後) 심박수(心拍數)의 변화(變化)
21(1) 120-126, 1982
A study on the Change of Heart Rate immediately After Aerobic Dancing 자연과학편 : Aerobic Dancing 후(後) 심박수(心拍數)의 변화(變化)
This study was to livestigate the change of heart rate to presume the intensity of aerobic and to search the utility of aerobic dancing as aerobic-circulatory exercise.
Subjects were eighth male athletes in S.N.U. who were about twenty years old.
Heart rate(HR) was measured in test and immediately after aerobic dancing (warm-up routine, aetobic routine #1∼#6 and cool-down routine).
Results of this study were as follows:
1. In charge of HR
ㆍ At rest: 67.4 beats/min
ㆍ Immediately warm-up routine(about 5min): 124.5 beats/min
ㆍ Immediately after aerobic routine #1∼#6 (about 15min): 124.0∼160.8 beats/min
ㆍ Immediately after cool-down routine (about 5min): 123.5 beats/min
2. In the intensity of HR
ㆍ Warm-up routine was maximal level of stroke volume(SV), and was good as a warming-up of aerobics
ㆍ Aerobic routine #1,3,4 (142.0∼147.5 beats/min) were about 70% M.A.H.R. predicted Maximal Attained Heart Rate), and were good as initial exercise in loading and recovery.
ㆍ Aerobic routine #2,5,6 (152.8∼160.8 beats/min) were about 80% M.A.H.R. as submaximal exercise and were good as loading exercise.
ㆍ 123.5 beats/min of cool-down routine were enough to be rehabilitated from brisk load and were good as cooling down.
3. In time of exercise to get the effect of training through aerobic dancing
the frequency of warm-up routine
ㆍ ordinary persons repeat three times(about 15 min)
ㆍ athletes repeat 3∼6 times(about 15∼30 min)
ㆍ the aerobic routine #1∼#6
ㆍ ordinary persons repeat twice(about 30 min)
ㆍ athletes repeat six times(about 90 min)
ㆍ the cool-down routine
ㆍ Both ordinary persons and athletes repeat twice(about 10 min), and play slowly to reduce gradually HR from high intensity.